WWW.SHCNKJ.COM --深圳市深海磁能科技有限公司一贯秉承[科技创新,品质卓越]为宗旨,打造并研发出以电磁感应加热技术的具有国际领先技术水平的商用大功率电磁加热设备,模式包括有半桥和全桥智能数字电磁加热器等,专业于改造和开发水洗再生塑料造粒机加热器、挤出机、拉丝机、注塑机、熔锡炉、熔石蜡炉、加热磨具炉、颜料加热炉、熔铝炉、厨房电磁大小炒炉、油管道电磁节能加热器等等各种工业节能加热设备和加热控制器,并已在国内外得到了良好的推广。
WWW.SHCNKJ.COM -- Hello, we are specializing in the production of industrial extruders, wire drawing machine, granulating machine, oil boiler, injection molding machines and other energy-saving heating cooker induction movement, accessories and equipment, we use high-tech induction cooker induction heating principle, both at home and abroad, we transform the more than 600 industrial heating boiler equipment, power from 3 to 60KW movement, where there is iron where heating from 100-800 degrees, more than 35% of power saving, thank you for your energy-saving phone 13,926,536,518.13682521768 WWW.P13418865890XF The CN, www.shcnkj.com Mr. 30KW movement and sold in 3800 yuan, Taiwan, 2.5KW movement to sell $ 250 a.
WWW.SHCNKJ.COM -- Hello, we are specializing in the production of industrial extruders, wire drawing machine, granulating machine, oil boiler, injection molding machines and other energy-saving heating cooker induction movement, accessories and equipment, we use high-tech induction cooker induction heating principle, both at home and abroad, we transform the more than 600 industrial heating boiler equipment, power from 3 to 60KW movement, where there is iron where heating from 100-800 degrees, more than 35% of power saving, thank you for your energy-saving phone 13,926,536,518.13682521768 WWW.P13418865890XF The CN, www.shcnkj.com Mr. 30KW movement and sold in 3800 yuan, Taiwan, 2.5KW movement to sell $ 250 a.
- 主要经营产品:
- 电磁节能加热器;造粒机节能加热电磁改造机芯;厨房设备;蒸气发生器;所有节能热处理;电磁汤炉;工业加热;各种各样加热炉;塑料造粒机节能加热;注塑机节能加热;拉丝机节能加热;工业炉节能加热;造粒机节能加热;磨具炉电磁节能加热;烤箱电磁节能快速加热;熔锡炉节能快速加热;节能导热油炉;各种颜料加热;油管道节能加热;水管道节能快速加热
- 经营范围:
- 大功率电磁炉、节能电磁加热器、电工电器的技术开发与销售;国内贸易,货物及技术进出口。(法律、行政法规或者国务院决定禁止和规定在登记前须经批准的项目除外)^;
- 营业执照号码:
- 440306105569246
- 法人代表:
- 平忠祥
- 经营模式:
- 生产厂家
- 成立时间:
- 2011-07-18
- 职员人数:
- 51人
- 注册资本:
- 50 (万元)
- 官方网站:
- 未提供
- 地址:深圳 深圳市坪山新区坑梓街道联兴路7号1栋一楼
- 邮编:518000
- 电话:(0755)
- 联系人:平忠祥
- 手机:13926536518
- 传真:86 0755 29686485
- Email:xingtingwang@163.com